RPi-Monitor Installation

Installation using the repository
RPi-Monitor is using github as debian repository. This repository will make installation and update of RPi-Monitor accessible with the command apt-get or aptitude.

To use this repository follow the instruction bellow:

Execute the following command to add RPi-Monitor into your list of repository:

wget http://goo.gl/vewCLL -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rpimonitor.list

Install my public key to trust RPi-Monitor repository:

apt-key adv –recv-keys –keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 2C0D3C0F

To install RPi-Monitor, execute the following command:

apt-get update apt-get install rpimonitor

To upgrade RPi-Monitor, execute the following command:

apt-get update apt-get upgrade

After installation you should excute the following command to update information about upgradable packages:

/etc/init.d/rpimonitor update

Manual installation
Download the latest package from the official repository in Github with the following command (replace latest_package_url by the real url fond on github):

wget latest_package_url -O rpimonitor_latest_all.deb

If you have issue with GnuTLS: A TLS warning alert coming from Github you can download it with the following command:

curl -L latest_package_url -o rpimonitor_latest_all.deb

Install the dependencies by executing the following command (use command apt-get if aptitude is not available on your target system):

aptitude install librrds-perl libhttp-daemon-perl libjson-perl libipc-sharelite-perl libfile-which-perl

Installation or upgrade can be done with the command:

dpkg -i rpimonitor_latest_all.deb

Complete the installation with the command:

apt-get update && sudo /usr/share/rpimonitor/scripts/updatePackagesStatus.pl

To uninstall RPi-Monitor, you can execute the following command:

apt-get remove rpimonitor


apt-get purge rpimontor







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