Yazar: oguska

  • MySQL root access from all hosts

    Grant privileges. As root user execute after mysql -p GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘root’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’; bind to all addresses: The easiest way is to comment out the line in your /etc/mysql/my.cnf file: #bind-address =

  • How to restore system drive from an omv-backup

    Here is a basic restore procedure using fsarchiver for the same hard drive but a change went bad: Boot systemrescuecd – if you installed the iso from omv-extras, it will be in your grub menu.Mount your data drive – example: mount /dev/sde1 /mnt/backup Figure out where your backup file is. fsarchiver uses the .fsa extension…

  • Zimbra nginx listen http

    login as zimbra user su – zimbra change proxy mode zmprov ms YOUR.DOMAIN.HERE zimbraReverseProxyMailMode redirect restart zimbra proxy zmproxyctl restart check – if now listen 80 port lsof -i tcp:80

  • Zimbra download the POP3 email from a specific date

    Set the “zimbraPrefPop3DownloadSince” value to a selected date. After configuring “zimbraPrefPop3DownloadSince” for a POP user, email client will start email downloading from defined date. Execute the following command to configure “zimbraPrefPop3DownloadSince” with a zimbra user user: zmprov ma USERNAME@YOURDOMAIN.COM ZimbraPrefPop3DownloadSince YYYYMMDDHHmmssZ zmprov -l ma USERNAME@YOURDOMAIN.COM zimbraPrefPop3DownloadSince 200807151000000Z